22 September 2015

6 Greenwashed Beauty Buzzwords

Greenwashing means making a product seem "green" or "organic" by basically misleading you, dear green beauty, into thinking you're getting the real deal. You'll see greenwashed cosmetics all over the beauty counters here in Dubai (and the rest of the UAE) and these are some of the terms to look out for. Of course, not every manufacturer that uses these terms are greenwashing. Some are in fact doing the right thing. But if you see these greenwashed beauty buzzwords on the label, it's a cue to look further.

19 January 2014

10 Best Green Beauty Products

(you probably have all of them already!)
  1. Jojoba Oil
  2. Organic Milk / Goat Milk
  3. Epsom Salt
  4. Tea Tree Oil
  5. Green Tea Bags
  6. Honey
  7. Eggs
  8. Lemon Juice
  9. Apple Cider Vinegar
  10. Vitamin E Capsules

Here are some simple ways to green your beauty routine:
  • Conventional facial cleansers can contain some nasty chemicals such as parabens, sulfates, triclosan and artificial fragrance. There are a lot more ingredients that is not exactly good for our skin, you will find them all here. Try opting for natural ingredients like lemon, avocado, tea tree oils, aloe leaf juice.
  • Use coconut oil for face/body as moisturiser or makeup remover.
  • Avoid lip products that contain synthetic colouring, lanolin, petrolatum. Look for shea butter, fruit pigments, beeswax instead.
  • Use makeup brushes made with sustainable materials, such as bamboo and synthetic bristles.
  • Make your own scrubs and masks. There are a lot of great recipes online, we will share our favourites here in our blog.
  • To save on excessive plastic packaging, switch your body wash to a natural bar of soap.

15 December 2013

8 Tips to Make The Switch to Organic Beauty Products

I am not the one to use scare tactics to make anyone switch to natural and organic beauty products. Nobody influenced me to going green. After learning that as much as 60 percent of topical skin care products is absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream, we shouldn't look at the moisturiser we put on our face every day any differently than we look at the food we eat. But it's not just about the known toxins we want to avoid. It's also about the incredible benefits of using antioxidant-rich, organically farmed plant essences and oils to beautify, rejuvenate and heal our skin, hair and nails.

The most important fact to remember is that skin is your largest organ and what goes on, goes in. Using products fresh from Mother Nature is not only trendy, but can really have a huge impact on your beauty and your health. If you're just starting out and want to make the switch to more natural products, the most effective way is to begin with what covers the largest surface area of your body and stays on the longest. This simple change alone can significantly decrease the toxic burden on your body.